Thursday 6 June 2013

begining of week


I was really excited because my boyfriend Joe was coming to visit me. He’s studying abroad in Dublin this summer and went to London beforehand with his family and then stopped by Paris for a couple days before his program started. When I told my boss that Joe was visiting me, she told me I didn’t have to work Monday or Tuesday which gave me time to show Joe around and sightsee together. I met him at the train station and it was very nice to finally see a familiar face. We then went to the hotel and dropped off his luggage. The hotel is very close to where I work so I showed him where I work and then we walked around the area. We tried getting lunch but it ended up only being a bar. I’m not complaining because we both like to drink every now and then, but It was a quite bizarre place I’d say. After that we went to my apartment and I showed him where I live. We went to one of my favorite local cafes and had some very good drinks before dinner! I planned for us to eat at a restaurant on the Champs Elysee, but when we got there it didn’t look very good so we found another restaurant and went there.  

The next day we went to the Eiffel tower. We bought a bottle of wine had a little “wine” picnic in the champs de mer and drank it while enjoying the beautiful weather and the beautiful sight of the Eiffel tower. Unfortunately after drinking all that wine I had to use the bathroom immediately and the public ones provided at the Eiffel tower had a line for days. Because of this we just went into a café because we were hungry for lunch and I also wouldn’t have to wait in line for the bathroom too! Unfortunately we didn’t realize how much time we were spending at the café and realized the catacombs were going to close soon. We left right away, but unfortunately when we got there it was closed. Luckily for us, there was a little park nearby so we walked around there and rested in the shade for a bit. We then went back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. I booked a boat ride dinner on the Seine and we may have gotten a little lost on the way, but eventually found where we were supposed to go. It truly was a spectacular dinner because we ate while the sun started to set and saw the beautiful night view of the Eiffel tower and other monuments. We wanted to see more of the Eiffel lit up so we went to the champs de mer and relaxed there for a bit.

The next morning Joe left for Dublin and I unfortunately headed back to work! It ended up being a very easy but long day. In the morning I helped my coworker, Claudia prepare for her oral. This is a really big deal for French students and it’s kind of like a memoire but more focused on a field of study. After work, I ate dinner with my host mom and then relaxed and went to bed.  

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