Sunday 16 June 2013


I had bought a ticket ahead of time to climb the Eiffel tower. This was by far one of the best decisions I made, because I got to basically budge in front of a 3.5-4 hour line. Like all my other adventures, I did this alone because the others were sleeping and just didn’t feel like sightseeing. After my climb to the top I went to see place des Vosges. This is a very rich area, but has a nice little park in the middle where many people go to eat lunch and just relax. It was a beautiful day, so it was quite enjoyable to sit and soak up the sun. I got lunch around there and then went to meet up with Magdalena at Musse Cluny. We then decided to walk around the area and happened to bump into Paris’s university Sorbonne. We kindly got a quick tour of the place from the security guard and then went on our way. We decided to refresh and relax by getting some drinks and we also shared a banana split. We then headed home because we had a long night ahead of us because we were going to the Moulin Rouge. The show was at 11 and Sam, Magdalena, and I all bought tickets to see the show, It was fabulous too! The girls may have been naked at times, but you would not even notice because of the outrageous and beautiful costumes they had. The show included, miniature ponies, lots of sparkles and diamonds, snakes, a pool, a ventriloquist act, and some of the most insane circus/gymnastics acts that I never knew were possible for humans to do. It was very entertaining, and I would highly recommend to anyone who goes to Paris to do this! The show lasted a little less than 2 hours, so I was quite tired after and headed home for bed.

view from top of the eiffle tower!

Place des vosges

Musee de Cluny

University of Paris Sorbonne

Drinks and dessert!

Moulin Rouge!

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