Saturday 15 June 2013


Friday morning, I woke up and tried to going to the eiffle tower but the line was too long so I decided to just sit in the park and relax and enjoy the weather. Once Magdalena woke up, we met up to get lunch. We went to La maison de la soupe. They surprisingly only had soup… just kidding ha the title of the restaurant is house of soup! For some reason, we were craving hot soup on a very hot day. After that we went to the chocolate museum. The exhibits were pretty interesting, but I was really only interested in sampling the chocolates! All in all, it was very tasty! After leaving the chocolate museum, we went in search for a metro in order to continue on with our agenda. We ended up finding a little Gallerie (Mall type of thing) with several small eclectic stores inside. The building used to be a train station and has since then turned into a petite shopping area with several restaurants. Since we were full from all the soup and chocolate, we left rather quickly but decided that we would return to eat dinner their one night. We then headed to the opera garnier, which we fortunately made it just in time for the last tour. I was in total and complete awe of the opera garnier. I was so taken back by all the finite detail and the overall beauty of the whole ensemble. I also really enjoyed seeing all the costumes and pictures from several of the performances. This was by far one of my favorite things that I have done. Unfortunately, we didn’t have all day to look at it because it was closing soon so we left. This was no problem for us however, because there was several shopping stores around this area, and the opera may have been closed but the stores were definitely not! We went to a couple stores and then deicided to rest our feet by having a couple drinks. Alcohol helps sore feet right? Haha just kidding! After relaxing we parted for a while and I went home to relax for a couple hours. Later around 10:30, I met up with Magdalena and her friend Thomas and a couple of his friends. He was having us over for a soiree. Not sure if this counts as a “soiree”/party since there were only 5 people there, but it was fun… and the drinks were free. The drinks however, were much classier and crazier than the sophisticated Hawkeye that I regularly drink at school. These shots were on fire… literally. I may have burned an eyebrow off in the process of drinking it but it was fun and definitely worth it! (If you’re wondering how we actually drank it, we used a straw.) We hung out, listened to music, played some card games, and eventually went home. It was quite the evening!

Chocolate museum!- hot chocolate!

our little gallery we found!

Outside Opera Garnier

interior of Opera Garnier

Little church we found

Drinks to help our sore feet!

and more drinks just for fun....

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