Sunday 16 June 2013


pont neuf

bridge with the locks!

Square de Vert galant

yummy drinks!
I slept in later than usual because I was still a little sick and wanted to get as much sleep as possible. My sleeping in was still not early enough for friends however, so I decided to go to Paris’s perfume museum. It was a small interesting museum, but however many of the tools and instruments that they used to make perfume in the olden days reminded me of the tools and instruments used in the show breaking bad. If you know that show then you know what kind of tools and instruments they used, and what they used it for. I thought it was quite funny. The area around the Perfume Museum is very commercial and is full of shopping departments and stores. I went into a few to pass some time, but eventually got bored and decided to go check out Pont neuf. Magdalena was on her way to meet me there so I walked around the area while waiting for her. The area is quite fun because it’s along the seine and the seine sidewalks is full of boquinist. These are little shops along the seine and they sell a variety of things from souvenir trinkets to books and posters. I really enjoyed walking along here and looking at all the art too. There was also a bridge close by that is very well known because the gates on the bridge are filled with locks. What one is supposed to do is buy lock and write their name and their lovers name on the lock and it hook it on to the bridge. By doing this, it will create eternal love for you and your significant other. However, now a day you just write your name on a lock and put it on the bridge. When Magdalena finally arrived we went and checked out Square du vert gallant. This is a little park and we decided to sit and rest for a while. We then went to a cafĂ© to have some drinks and then went home to relax before dinner.  For dinner, my friends and I decided we were going to have a picnic in Montmarte. We bought some food and then headed to Sacre Coeur to find a place to sit. It was a lot of fun finally being with everyone and the view of Paris was also incredible. It was really nice to watch the sunset with such a beautiful view. We hung out around that area for a while marveling at the beautiful city that we were in and also sharing a couple bottles of wine.

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