Monday 24 June 2013


Work was its typical boring self. And when I say work, I mean sitting there and staring into space. One night I worked until 8pm which was pretty brutal. The only thing that makes work fun is that I get to work with Claudia. She’s my age and we talk quite a bit about our interests and lives. She is really into music, so I made her CD with music that I like. She was very appreciative of it!

                I know I say I don’t do anything at work (which is mainly true) but I was finally introduced to the project that I will hopefully start to work on soon. My company has been working on a new teaching method/program for English speaking students trying to learn French. It’s a program for an ipad, and has commercials in French, with explanations and other information related to the topic. My role in developing this product will be to do some market research.

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