Monday 27 May 2013

First day of work!

Day 10: 5/27/2013

Today was first day at my internship. Im interning la maison de la pub. It’s a publicizing company that works with film. I’m still learning about the company and what ill exactly be doing. Today I didn’t have to show up until one because they wanted to take me out to lunch so that I could get to know everyone. There were three people working: Anne, my director; Pablo who is in charge of editing; and Claudia another intern. I thought that Claudia was very intimidating because of how gorgeous she was and because she spoke French very fast. Claudia is a French student studying marketing. She is 20 years old, and despite her intimidation on me, she is extremely nice. All the workers put up with my “broken” French and smiled a lot when I talked which was very reassuring since I was so nervous. The lunch was very interesting for me considering I drank wine, ate duck and had dessert and tea after eating. It was a lot to take in, but very normal for the French. When we returned to work, they showed me around the office. It’s very small and crammed, but very interesting also. The walls are bookshelves filled with videos of all kinds. For the most part I pretty much just watched each person work and tried to get a better understanding of what the company does. At the office, I was still very insecure about my speaking abilities because I felt stupid not being able to communicate properly. However they were really encouraging and at the end of the day I felt very lucky and happy to be at la maison de la pub. I think and hope that this is going to be a great experience!  I took the metro back with Claudia and did my first Bisou! (The French cheek kiss thing) I was very happy about that because it made me feel even more Parisian!

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