Wednesday 29 May 2013


5/28 -5/29

I’ve learned so much within the past two days and as difficult as it is because of the language barrier, I’m very appreciative of the work environment because it helps me with my French a lot. I really want to improve and I hope (and think) that I’m heading down that path. Yesterday, I wore my glasses because my coworkers wanted to see my natural eye color. I was then told that I shouldn’t wear my blue contacts. I think I told them that I wouldn’t, but considering I didn’t bring any and there aren’t any Wal-Mart eye doctor offices here… they’re just going to have to put up with my fake eyes. On our lunch break I also showed pictures of my families. I know it’s no surprise that they too thought Pepper and MJ were the best looking in the family, just kidding! Haha. They did however see a picture of me with my blonde hair and realized that just like my eyes; my hair was “artificial” as well. I feel like I’m not representing the US well as they are going to think that everyone in the US is fake! Hopefully they don’t ask why I am so tan….. haha just kidding! Other than those embarrassing moments, the past 2 day have been really enjoyable. I continued to work with Claudia on finding and categorizing commercials. I’m kind of just following Claudia around, but I’m trying to give input as much as I can. I’m still in the listen and learn phase I suppose.

Yesterday after work I walked around some shopping places and just looked around. I definitely don’t mind walking around and getting a little lost in Paris. I grabbed some quick food and went home to relax and prepare for the next day. Tonight, I just came straight home after work because I was having dinner with my host mom.

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