Friday 24 May 2013

Day 6: 5/23/13

I had to go to an orientation for my program. EUSA is located in the Montparnasse area, and so I had to take the metro to get there. The morning was quite boring. Jon, our main advisor basically just went on about the French lifestyle and the transition to it. We had an hour break after for lunch and we went and got French version fast food. Basically, we just come some cheap Panini’s at a stand. When we got back, Jon took us to see Le Madeleine. This is an old church near place de la Concorde and champs d’elysee. We then went on a bus tour to familiarize us with the city. We pretty much saw all the sights. It got me really excited to actually go visit them! After we met up with Jon again, we went to cafĂ© and had snacks and a drinks. I went home after and had dinner with my host mom and I learned a lot about herself and her family. After dinner, I relaxed read and FINISHED my book finally, which was also very exciting for me haha.

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