Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 7: 5/24/13

We had another orientation meeting this morning about our internships and what to expect. Again, it was pretty boring but didn’t last as long as yesterday’s meeting. Since it was shorter, this gave us a longer lunch break. We decided to go to look for “les magasins” (stores) so that we could buy jackets and umbrellas since it is so cold here. Some of us (me especially) also needed to set up our French phone. We found the Orange (the phone place) first and so we went there to set it up. Luckily, my sisters international phone that she used when she studied abroad still worked which saved me a couple bucks, however this phone is very old so we’ll see if it makes it haha. We then were in search for the store ZARA because we thought it would be the only store we could afford. We found it and thankfully I was able to buy a coat there. No more cold Caitlin! We grabbed a quick cheap lunch by the Notre dame and then went to meet back up with Jon. We met up with Jon in Montmartre, where he showed us several sights and explained the historical significance of them. It was really interesting and I learned a lot. We ended on the Sacre Coeur, and we went inside and checked out the inside of the building as well. IT was incredible on the inside and we entered at the end of a service. There were several people just looking at the building, but there were several people there for mass also. It was cool to see an actual service with the priests and all. When we came out of the building, it was raining pretty hard so we all went our separate ways on the metro to go home and relax.

Magdalena, Kat and I met up for some dinner later. Kat was running a little late because she lives pretty far from us so Magdalena and I went and split an “entrĂ©e” (appetizer) and had a glass of wine. Once Kat go off the Metro we went and met up with her and then went to a pizza and pasta restaurant. (Unfortunately I can’t remember the name right now). We got mistakenly got a bottle of Perrier (sparkling water) and all got different pastas. It was very fun and yummy! As we were finishing up dinner, a man who had just finished eating his dinner started talking to us. It wasn’t in a creepy way because he was 50 and I think just liked to speak English with us. He did however buy all 3 of us a glass of vin rouge (red wine). He left before the wine arrived, but we were all very surprised and gracious!

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