Monday 1 July 2013


Since it was recently brought to my attention that my blog may not interesting enough for everyone (my dad) I have been advised to write about the prices of things here in Paris and compare them to the price in the US. For starters, the French use the euro; which sucks. For every 1 euro that I spend it is 1.31 dollars. Basically, just like the euro being “more expensive”, so is everything else in Paris. It’s funny because the number amounts of things are the same, but the costs are very different, For example, Alix told me she was looking into buying a new computer. In the US, the price for the computer was $2000 and in France, it was also 2000 euro. However, 2000 euro in dollars is more expensive and ends up being $2,620. Drinks are insanely more expensive here also. To get a coke or a sprite, it ranges anywhere between 4-5 euro which is $5.24-$6.55. Beers range from 6-12 euro, $7.86-$15.72. Mixed drinks range from 10-15 euro which is $11.31-$19.65. Since the drinks cost so much, usually the price for a meal is extremely expensive. Appetizers start at 10 euros and entrees can range from 12 -30 euro. Wine which is usually drank with meals here are usually around 7 euro per glass, 12 euro for a carafe, and 20 euro for a bottle. This is of course for the cheapest wine options, which I of course always buy. I usually consider it a good deal if I can spend less than 20 euro for a meal. Clothes here are a little more expensive, but in my opinion that depends on where you shop. Starbucks here is much more expensive and drinks usually start at a minimum of 5 euro. Basically, I have just had to learn to accept that Paris is an expensive city, and my dad who wanted to know so badly the prices of everything will probably learn the hard way about the euro if he plans on drinking as much Starbucks here as he does in the US.

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